Eureka Springs winter – snow is here!
Anyone who heard the weather forecast for the weekend, but decided to brave a trip to Eureka Springs regardless, was not disappointed. Tall Pines Inn had close to one inch of heavy wet snow, with a nice little layer of ice to go with it. The perfect driving condition! Who knows how long the snow will stick around? If you are someone who enjoys a walk in a winter wonderland, I suggest you get out now.

Winter landscape with winter road. Snowy fir trees along highway. Sunny morning in the snowy mountains.
At Tall Pines Inn we were blessed with a few guests who decided to brave the winter weather and roads. Who knows how long the snow will stick around. My guess is by the time this post is finished the snow will be gone?
I have to confess I cringe when I see the snow, or even hear the threat of snow. People will ask why I hate snow when I grew up in the north, North Dakota to be specific. I guess that would be the answer, I have had my fill of cold and snow. Perhaps as a person gets older you appreciate the cold less and shivering becomes sort of painful.

If you’ve been there, you know how this guy feels! He is stressing because his car broke down in the cold.
North Dakota Winter Experience
Growing up on the Canadian border in North Dakota does give a person ample opportunity to experience snow and everything that goes with it. Banks of snow would reach almost to the top of our house and dad would dig out snow forts for my brother and I. I guess we never worried about cave ins because the snow was so hard. We lived in a mobile home for several years and I remember more than once dad crawling under the house to remove a segment of water pipe because it had frozen. He would drag the pipe into the house and thaw it out and take it back out. We finally had it wrapped in heat tape, which usually worked. Yes, in North Dakota the cold is dangerous and you really need to think twice before you venture out in your vehicle. I clearly remember, when I was in Jr. High, the evening my family and I decided to attend a basketball game in a neighboring town. It was snowing a bit but worse was the bitter cold. When the game let out the air temperature had dipped into the sub-zero’s. Another family, who lived several miles out in the country needed a ride home, and of course my dad was never one to say no. It was a terrifying ride. It was so cold out that the fuel line on our car kept freezing up. Fortunately dad had thought to bring several bottles of HEAT to dump into the gas tank to thaw the line. Had he not done so, I shudder to think what our fate that night would have been.

North Dakota snow storm brings snow up to the house roof line.
There were many good times as well, like ice skating on a frozen pond, snowmobiling on an open field of fresh powder snow, making snowmen higher than you are tall, and who can forget freezing your butt off sitting out on a frozen lake with your fish hook dropped down a hole in the ice and the thrill when you see that bobber start to dance around the hole, “fish on!”
With all that said, who would want to give up all of that snowy cold recreation to move somewhere with only an inch of snow that only lasts a day or two. I can tell you, it is wonderful to look back on and special that I experienced it as a child. I have my parents to thank. Now I am enjoying the relatively milder climate.
Check Out Tall Pines Inn This Winter

Snowy forest road in a mountain pass. Welcoming?
Each area presents it’s own challenges and hazards during winter weather, and Eureka Springs is no exception. Hills and curvy roads are a serious threat with even a dusting of snow and ice. We admire the brave guests who decided to take on the weather, and visit us at Tall Pines Inn during the snowfall.

Snow covered ground at Tall Pines Inn
Here’s to Winter 2019 at Tall Pines Inn. We will be open and waiting for your visit. The stoves and pine logs are warm and cozy, and we love good conversation.